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Before you start the journey of searching for your next office or industrial space, it is crucial that you are truly prepared for the process. Upon solidifying the decision making team and utilizing the analytics to determine the geographic location of your next space, here is the essential information you will want to provide to your tenant rep broker as they begin searching for your next space.

  1. Establish a Cohesive Vision: Your new space should be a tangible expression of your company’s values, culture, and aspirations. The decision makers must agree and document the “why” for the new space. What type of experience do you want your employees and clients to have when they work within or visit your new space? Crafting a vision for your new space enables you to create an environment that inspires creativity, fosters innovation, and attracts top talent. Ultimately, the goal of the new environment is to motivate the team to utilize the new space.
  2. Maximize Your Space Efficiency: Your Space Program should enable you to optimize workflows, enhance collaboration, and reflect your company’s unique needs and priorities. A well-defined Space Program ensures that every square foot is utilized purposefully, driving efficiency and productivity.
  3. Prepare to Specify the Tenant Improvement Construction Scope:  Occupying a new spacethat accomplishes the vision and meets the Space Program requirements will likely require a tenant improvement construction project.  Deeply thinking through the tenant improvement construction requirements will ensure that you are prepared to share these details.  This effort will save the entire project team countless hours and eliminate wasted efforts.

Being fully prepared to search for the next space involves more than deciding the geographic location and “guesstimating” the square footage you think you might need.  A well defined property search that includes an agreed upon vision statement for the purpose of the project, a well developed space program, and an initial set of space requirements will meaningfully reduce the amount of time it takes to identify prospective spaces and negotiate a deal. In turn, you will occupy your space many months sooner and at a reduced cost.

The process does not have to take months nor does it have to take up countless hours of site visits. A little planning goes a long way!

Visit our website to download our Things to Consider Before You Relocate overview or Space Planning Checklist and contact us to inquire how we can help you prepare for your office space or industrial facility search.

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